Our focus for Advent is We are filled with joy.
This theme was determined by a preparation group made up of representatives from the Waterloo parishes, Cedar Valley Catholic Schools, and Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation. It comes from Psalm 126 in the second week of Advent, “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” The promise of God-with-us, Jesus born as a baby, fills us with joy, even with the trials and tribulations of life. This allows us the chance to recognize joy is more than happiness, as, with Jesus at the center of our lives, we can have joy even when things are hard.
As we consider current situations in our community (and the greater society), the hope and joy found in the Scriptures are truly needed. The divisive political climate, together with other aspects of life, seem to make it more and more difficult to reach out to those with different viewpoints than ourselves. But if we are filled with the joy, hope, and promise of Christ, we can remember that our primary identity as disciples unites us.
Each week of Advent, we will have a subtheme taken from that week’s psalm.Our common song for the season is “Canticle of the Turning,” with words based on Mary’s Magnificat. We share Mary’s joy and commitment to justice.
During Advent, you’ll also notice a different option for our Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass. We will chant the second option where the priest chants, “Have mercy on us, O Lord” and we respond, “For we have sinned against you.” Then he will chant, “Show us, O Lord, your mercy,” and we will respond, “And grant us your salvation.” Remembering Jesus’ presence with us yesterday, today, and tomorrow, we are filled with joy!
Join us for this year’s Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2:00pm at St. Edward Parish. During this event, members of St. Edward Music Ministry bring the theme “We are filled with joy” to life through lessons of Scripture, reflections, and songs.
The event will last about an hour, with a cookie reception to follow. It is free and open to the public, so please invite others to join! This is a fitting offering even for those who haven't been in our church before.
Please join us for our Advent Women’s Bible Study on Tuesdays from Nov. 26 to Dec. 17 with coffee and fellowship at 8:45am and a study from 9:00-11:00am in the St. Clare Room.
Rejoice! Advent, Meditations with Mary not only lets you walk beside Mary during the first Advent, but also lets you get to know her in a way you haven’t before. The journal is $13.95 at ascensionpress.com.